- *Huntingdon Day Camp
- 4-H Club
- Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre (HAECC)
- Les Aidants naturels du Haut-Saint-Laurent
- Aréna Régionale de Huntingdon
- Association de Hockey mineur de Huntingdon
- Association pour la Défense des Droits Sociaux de Huntingdon (A.D.D.S.)
- La Bouffe additionnelle
- Cardio-Actifs du Haut-Saint-Laurent
- Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi du Haut-Saint-Laurent
- CDC du Haut-Saint-Laurent
- Centre de Formation Huntingdon Learning Center
- Centre de recherche d'emploi du Sud-Ouest (CRESO)
- Centre de Ressources Familiales du Haut-Saint-Laurent (CRF)
- Chateauguay Valley Historical Society
- Club de L'Âge d'Or de Huntingdon Inc.
- Club de Patinage Artistique de Huntingdon
- Huntingdon Curling Club
- Comité de réhabilitation de la rivière Châteauguay (CRRC)
- Corporation d'employabilité et de développement économique communautaire (CEDEC)
- Dames Auxiliaires de Centre d'hébergement du Comté de Huntingdon
- Farmers Market of the County of Huntingdon
- Huntingdon Fair (Huntingdon Agricultural Society)
- Friperie communautaire de Huntingdon
- The Huntingdon Royal Canadian Legion - Subsidiary 81
- The Little Green Library Inc.
- Maison des Jeunes de Huntingdon
- Huntingdon Municipal Pool
- Huntingdon Optimist Club
- Projet Communic-Action
- Quillorama Huntingdon
- Récré-Tennis Huntingdon
- Résidence Elle du Haut-Saint-Laurent
- Services d'accompagnement Bénévole et Communautaires (SABEC)
- Huntingdon Soccer
- Société de conservation et d'aménagement des bassins versants de la Zone Châteauguay (SCABRIC)
- St-Joseph Parish
- Sur les Routes du Saint-Laurent (Service de transport adapté)
- Une Affaire de Famille
- Melissa's Sunshine Camp
- Un coin chez-nous
- Huntingdon Urban dance
- Le Tournant
Huntingdon Day Camp
23, King street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Activities : 2024
Our new Accèscité Loisirs platform will allow you to register online for all our activities.
We invite you to create a user account (parent) now to be able to register for activities for your children.
Please note that there may be 72 hours before your account is approved.
Refer to the CATALOGUE tab for all other information.
For online registration questions, call 450-264-5389 ext. 223 or tresorier@villehuntingdon.com
For questions about activities and day camp, contact Samuel Julien at 450-601-1386 or lesevenementsdroitaubut@gmail.com
Les Aidants naturels du Haut-Saint-Laurent
Esther Parenteau
Intervenante aux proches aidants
Les Aidants Naturels du Haut St-Laurent
Tel : 450 826-1243
Sans frais : 1 855 826-1243
Web: www.aidantsnaturelshsl.com
Email: intervenante@aidantsnaturelshsl.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Aidants-Naturels-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent-264176423687263/
Activities :
- What is it? A day of activities for seniors affected by mild to moderate loss of physical or cognitive autonomy or a related affection.
- When is it? Every Monday.
- Where is the Respite-Relief held? At our office at 23A, Ste-Anne à Saint-Chrysostome and at the our office at 1493, route 138 Godmanchester.
- What are the OBJECTIVES of the Respite-Relief?
- A respite for the caregiver.
- Enable the caregivers to participate in the “Between Caregivers TEA TIME.
- Break down the isolation while providing them a place to belong.
- Enable them to socialize and share with others in the same situation.
- Enable participants to maintain their present level of physical and cognitive abilities through physical and cognitivel stimulating activities.
- How about transport? There is free adapted transportation available to the participants.
Aréna Régionale de Huntingdon
Centre Sportif Promutuel
Paula Larocque, Responsable
1567, Fairview Road
Hinchinbrooke (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-5205
Email: arena@derytele.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuntingdonArena
Activities :
Association de Hockey mineur de Huntingdon
Erick Faubert, President
1567, Fairview Road
Hinchinbrooke (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-5205
Email: hockeyhuntingdon@gmail.com
Web: http://www.hockeyhuntingdon.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Nonprofit-Organization/Hockey-Mineur-Huntingdon-1251532521644615/
Activities :
Association pour la Défense des Droits Sociaux de Huntingdon (A.D.D.S.)
Yanick Huet, coordinator
163, rue Châteauguay
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-6888
Email: adds.huntingdon@hotmail.ca
Web: www.addshuntingdon.weebly.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ADDS-Huntingdon-1599843493633590/about/
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Activities :
La Bouffe Additionnelle
Carole Ricard, director
16, Prince Street, suite 105
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-2241
Email: labouffeadditionnelle@bellnet.ca
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on appointment
Cardio-Actifs du Haut-Saint-Laurent
Renée Guernon, President
24, York Street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 579-491-3411
Email: cardioactifs@gmail.com
Web: http://cardio-actifs.webnode.fr/
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi du Haut-Saint-Laurent
Huntingdon Office
2, E. Henderson Street, Suite 1
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450.264.5858
Email: info@cjehuntingdon.org
Web: http://www.cjehuntingdon.org/
Opening hours:
Monday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
On evening with appointment
Activities :
CDC du Haut-Saint-Laurent
72, Dalhousie Street, suite 100B
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-9042
Email: info@cdchsl.org
Web: http://www.tncdc.com/membre-fiche.php?m=117
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Huntingdon Learning Center
Renée Guernon, director
163, Châteauguay Street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-5558
Email: cfh@derytele.com
Web: http://www.cfhuntingdon.org
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Centre de recherche d’emploi du Sud-Ouest (CRESO)
Luc Gauthier, Director
72, Dalhousie Street, local 100B
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 377-4889
Email: information@creso-emploi.ca
Web: http://www.creso-emploi.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/str/centre+de+recherche+d’emploi+du+sud-ouest+huntingdon/keywords_search
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday from 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Centre de Ressources Familiales du Haut-Saint-Laurent (CRF)
Karène Montpetit, director
16, King Street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-4598
Email: crf@bellnet.ca
Web: http://facebook.com/crfhsl
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Chateauguay Valley Historical Society
72, Dalhousie Street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shvc.cvhs/
Club de L’Âge d’Or de Huntingdon Inc.
13, York Street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-5293
Activities :
To come
Huntingdon Curling Club
95, King Street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-2914
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Huntingdon-Curling-Club/137217693073820
To come
Comité de réhabilitation de la rivière Châteauguay (CRRC)
Guy Turcotte
765, Rivière Châteauguay
Howick (Quebec)
J0S 1G0
Tel.: (514) 970-7475
Email: guy.turcotte@bell.net
Corporation d’employabilité et de développement économique communautaire (CEDEC)
John Buck, President and chief executive officer
1493, route 138
C.P. 90013
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-5510
No charge : 888-641-9912
Web: http://cedec.ca/fr/
Email: info@cedec.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEDEC.QC/
Dames Auxiliaires de Centre d’hébergement du Comté de Huntingdon
Madame June Todd, presidente
198, Châteauguay Street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-6111, poste 2004
Email: christine.poirier.cssshsl16@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Activities :
To come
Farmers Market of the County of Huntingdon
Ian Ward, coordinator
Tel.: 450-807-2592
Email: marchefermierhuntingdon@gmail.com
Web: http://mfch.weebly.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marchefermiercomtehuntingdon/
Activities :
Huntingdon Agricultural Society
1565, chemin Fairview
Hinchinbrooke (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Web: http://www.foirehuntingdonfair.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoireHuntingdonFair/
Friperie communautaire de Huntingdon
Guylaine Joannette, Coordinator
4, Lorne Street, local 102
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-4775
Email: fripcommhunt@hotmail.com
Coordinator e-mail: coordonnatrice.fch@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fripcommhunt/
Boutique en ligne: https://www.akcelos.com/fr/merchant/friperie-communautaire-huntingdon/166
Opening hours :
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday and Wednesday: from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Verify seasonal schedule on Facebook
The Little Green Library Inc.
Louise Charlebois, president
4, Lorne Street, suite 103
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-4872
Email: pbv.lgl@gmail.com
Web: www.pbv-lgl.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PetiteBibliothequeVerteLittleGreenLibrary/
Opening hours :
Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Thursday from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Mission :
The Little Green Library offers several services to its members and the general public.
Very good news! Free membership for Dundee, Hinchinbrooke and Huntingdon
Since 2019, membership in the library is free for the citizens of Huntingdon, Dundee and Hinchinbrooke thanks to an agreement concluded with their municipality. The membership fee is unchanged for citizens of other municipalities.
To borrow books and other documents and to use the computer stations, you need to be a member of the Library. A membership card costs $20.00 for a family or an individual and covers a 12-month period. Because the Library wants to encourage children to use its services, it is now possible for those under 15, whose parents are not members of the Library, to take out a membership for the very low cost of $5.00. All the other services are offered to the population free of charge.
Support from the community and volunteers
The Little Green Library is a self-financed organization, managed and operated solely by volunteers, founded and developed thanks to continued support from the community for over 44 years. The library needs the participation of people who care about books and reading and who would like to get involved as volunteers in several areas, such as organizing activities for children in various age groups, offering accompaniment in learning new technologies or even reading to seniors, whether on a regular basis or occasionally for specific projects.
The Little Green Library is free for all citizens of Huntingdon.pdf
Maison des Jeunes de Huntingdon
Madame Nathalie Collin, coordinator
1, Arthur-Pigeon Street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-322-6140, poste 100
Email: ncollin@mdjh.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/maisondesjeunes.huntingdon/
Opening hours :
Monday to Tuesday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday from 4 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Activities :
To come
Huntingdon Municipal Pool
33, Fairview road
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-3122 or (450) 264-5389 extension 221
Free swimming every day! from 1 pm to 5 pm and from 6 pm to 8 pm
Swimming helmet for sale on site: 3$
Activities : 2024
To register: Click on the link below:
Huntingdon Optimiste Club
Nathalie Taillefer, Présidente et Lieutenante-gouverneur
Martin St-Onge, Président
Adresse : 45 Dalhousie, Huntingdon Qc J0S 1H0.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/123081251149410/
Projet Communic-Action
Madame Françoise Mainville, director
C.P. 90027, 1493, route 138, Suite 3
Godmanchester (Quebec) J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-5497
Web: projetcommunicaction.org
Email: info@projetcommunicaction.org
For seniors 65 and over, with loss of autonomy, living at home.
Opening hours :
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Récré-Tennis Huntingdon
Alain Boisvert, responsable
Tel.: (450) 264-5656
Email: alain@lematounoir.qc.ca
Web: http://www.lematounoir.qc.ca/RTH/index.html
Activities :
Services d’accompagnement Bénévole et Communautaires (SABEC)
Isabelle Woods, general director
1493-2, Route 138
Godmanchester (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-1131
No fees: 1-866-764-1131
Email: sabec2641131@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.sabecduhsl.com/
Opening hours:
Lundi au vendredi de 8 h à 17 h
Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Activities :
Soccer Huntingdon
23, King street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-5389 extension 223
Email: samujulien@hotmail.com
For online registration questions, call 450-264-5389 ext. 223 or tresorier@villehuntingdon.com
Activities : Summer 2024
To register, click on the link:
Société de conservation et d’aménagement des bassins versants de la Zone Châteauguay (SCABRIC)
Félix Blackburn, director
1, Pont Street
Sainte-Martine (Quebec)
J0S 1V0
Tel.: (450) 427-0911 and (450) 427-1818
Email: info@scabric.ca
Web: http://www.scabric.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OBVZONECHATEAUGUAY/
Regular hours :
Monday to Friday from 8h30 a.m. to 4h30 p.m. (Lunch 12h30 to 1h30 p.m.)
Summer hours:
Monday to Thursday from 7h30 a.m. to 4h30 p.m. (Lunch 12h30 to 1h30 p.m.)
Friday from 9h a.m. to 12h p.m.
Activities :
Pique-niques au fil de l’eau http://www.scabric.ca/index.php/nouvelles/274-juin-le-mois-de-l-eau.html
Services offerts http://www.scabric.ca/index.php/projets/services-offerts.html
Sur les Routes du Saint-Laurent (Service de transport adapté)
Cynthia Tellier, Director
10, King Street, local 126
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-2267
Toll-free number: 1-877-699-2267
Fax: 450-264-2919
Email: slrsl@bellnet.ca
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 8h to 4h30
Friday from 8h to 3h30
Melissa’s Sunshine Camp
Marlene Harvey, director
24, York Street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: 450-264-6340
Email: melissasunshinecamp@gmail.com
Web site: campsoleildemelissa.weebly.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/campsoleildemelissa
Mission:Established in 1993, Melissa’s Sunshine Camp is a non-profit organization for all ages with intellectual or physical disabilities in Haut-St-Laurent’s region.
Activities :
These are the activities with the Melissa’s Sunshine Camp:
– Bowling in Huntingdon, every Friday night
– Activities for over 21 years Monday to Friday (9 am to 3 pm in Huntingdon)
– Saturday and Sunday: Sunshine respite for the 3 to 17 year olds (9 am to 4 pm in Ormstown)
– 1 Saturday night per month for 18 years and over (Dance, film, Bingo, etc. in Huntingdon)
– Leisure and cultural outings
-Exhibition at the Little Green Library in March
** Take note that April is the month of autism. It’s made to raise awareness and educate the public about Autism Spectrum Disorder. As a citizen, you can participate in the “Light It Up Blue” movement. It’s simple; wear blue, or illuminate your home or apartment in blue. Blue is a calming, soothing, comforting color. In addition, autism is almost five times more common in boys (1 in 43 boys) than in girls (1 in 189), and blue is a symbol of the prevalence of autism in boys.
Organisme Un coin chez-nous
Guy-Julien Mayné, director
628, Notre-Dame street
Saint-Chrysostome (Québec)
J0S 1R0
Tél.: (450) 826-4425
Fax: (450) 826-1000
E-mail: ccmsuccn@cooptel.qc.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCCN1983/
Business Hours:
Monday to friday from 7 h 30 am to 4 h 30 pm
Activities and services :
Social and cultural activities
Meals on wheels
Food supplies for those in need
Secondhand clothes shop
Medical and local transport
Reference services
Community dinners
Courtesy visits (In good company/ En Bonne Compagnie)
Favor the home stay, the social integration and the assistance to people in loss of autonomy, to the elder.
MRC du Haut-Saint-Laurent
Closed the last two weeks of december
Huntingdon Urban dance
23, King street
Huntingdon (Quebec)
J0S 1H0
Tel.: (450) 264-5389 extension 223
Email: samujulien@hotmail.com
Activities :
Le Tournant
Centre de crise et de prévention du suicide + services de réadaptation en santé mentale
414, rue Salaberry Ouest
Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Qc
J6T 2K3
Tél. : 450 371-2820
Fax. : 450 371-2681
Courriel : letournant@letournant.qc.ca
Ligne téléphonique d’intervention de crise et de prévention du suicide 24 h/7 jours :
450 371-4090 ou 1-833 371-4090 (ligne sans frais)
Site web : www.letournant.org