Tax bill deadlines
Tax bills are payable in three equal installments, as follows:
- 1st installment: March 13, 2024
- 2nd installment: June 12, 2024
- 3rd installment: September 11, 2024
However, if the total municipal property taxes are less than $ 300, the fees must be paid in a single payment. The interest rate currently in force in the city of Huntingdon is 7%, and the penalty amount is 5%.
Règlement 968-2024 – Établissant les taux de taxation pour l’exercice financier 2024
How to pay your taxes
We recommend that you make your payments one of the following ways:
IMPORTANT: Remember to allow sufficient time for transmission delay.
- Through participating financial institutions’ on-line banking sites; *Simply enter the city code number 69055 and payment serial number (example: 69055-0000-00-0000)
- At the counter of the CIBC bank in Huntingdon
- By mail, while including your tax code on the back of your check. Upon payment of the first instalment, we suggest you include cheques for the 2nd and 3rd instalments with the appropriate payment forms in the same shipment;
- By the drop-off box located at the main entrance of City Hall (cheque only);
- By payment at City Hall (cheque, cash and debit accepted);
- At an ATM of your financial institution (you must first submit the tax bill from the City of Huntingdon at your financial institution, in person, by phone or on-line).
If you are a new owner
When you purchase a property during the year, you will not receive a new tax bill as the City of Huntingdon issues only one account at the beginning of the year. This does not relieve you in any way the obligation to pay your taxes by the deadlines set by the City.
Normally, when you sign your contract at the notary, you are informed of the amount of taxes due for the current year. If your lawyer does not give you this information, you must call or come to City Hall to get the amount of taxes to be paid, and this, to avoid an accumulation of interest.
If you have not yet received your account, you must include with your payment (on the front of your check) the numbers of the tax bills you wish to pay. You can contact the front desk of the City Hall at 450 264-5389 ext. 223 to obtain information on your tax bill, or visit our section related to the property tax credit program.