Schedule of meetings

Year 2025

  • Monday January 13
  • Monday February 3
  • Monday March 3
  • Monday April 7
  • Monday May 5
  • Monday June 2
  • Tuesday July 7
  • Monday August 11 (2nd monday of the month)
  • Tuesday September 2 (September 1st : Labour day)
  •  Wednesday October 1st (at least 30 days before november 2nd)
  •  Monday November 10 (November 2nd : municipal election)
  • Monday December 1st

The regular meetings are held at 7 pm in the boardroom of City Hall, located at 23 King Street.

  • Note that the above schedule does not include special meetings that may be convened during the year.

City council holds a regular meeting once a month. The Council sets yearly schedule for these meetings by fixing the date and time of the beginning of each, and before the start of each calendar year.

Nevertheless, the Mayor may call a special council meeting when deemed appropriate, by verbal or written order, through the Registrar of the municipality. The Registrar then gives notice briefly indicating the business to be conducted at the meeting, and serves notice to each member of the Board no later than 24 hours before the time fixed for the beginning of the session.