Employees receive an annual average of 50 hours of training. Subjects as diverse as respirators, prevention, hazardous materials, first aid, pumps, rescue and elevation devices are among topics explored during training.
In 2010, five officers received Non-Urban Officer certification. This program is open to anyone wishing to act as an intervention officer, senior officer or manager in Québec municipalities with populations of less than 5,000 inhabitants.
The program is offered in six 15-hour seminars.
- Seminar 1 – Emergency response management I;
- Seminar 2 – Organization of administrative work;
- Seminar 3 – Leadership;
- Seminar 4 – Fire prevention and hazardous materials;
- Seminar 5 – Finding the causes and circumstances of a fire;
- Seminar 6 – Emergency response management II.
Anyone wishing to take up a position as a firefighter in all Quebec municipalities with populations of less than 25,000 inhabitants must follow Firefighter Training Level I. This training helps develop all firefighting and basic skills intervention in the presence of hazardous materials.
The main topics covered in this 306-hour training are:
- Introduction to firefighting;
- Control of water equipment;
- Behaviour and response according to fire phases;
- Using a self-contained breathing apparatus;
- Use of emergency response materials;
- Characteristics of the area to be protected;
- Fire prevention activities;
- General emergency response process;
- Defensive emergency response process in the presence of hazardous materials;
- Specific emergency response processes for particular types of fires.
If you are interested in joining the fire protection service, simply complete this form and return it to the City’s registry service.