Get familiar with Huntingdon’s parks:
- Skate Park – rue Henderson Street;
- Prince Arthur Park – rue Dalhousie Street;
- Léon Capiello Park – rue West and Saumier Streets;
- Regiment Park – rue Garden Street;
- Léo Beaudin Park – rue Châteauguay Street;
- Claude Pilon Park – rue Châteauguay Street;
- Park – Bus Stop Highway 138;
- Island Russell Park – rue Fairview Street.
Municipal parks are officially open to the public from 6:00 am to 10:30 pm. It is prohibited to be in a park outside opening hours. Any person found on park grounds during closing hours that refuses to adhere to the orders of a peace officer, or any such authorized person, constitutes a nuisance and is disturbing the peace and public order.
When deemed necessary and for public safety reasons, the City can:
- Prohibit access to parks;
- Close roads, trails or bike paths in a park using barriers or road signs;
- Determine where it is permitted to engage in recreational activities and sports.
Those who do not comply with the measures taken by the City under this article are committing a nuisance, which constitutes an offense punishable by law.
It is strictly forbidden for any person visiting or attending parks:
- To scream, use foul language, utter insults or threats, or to adopt indecent or obscene behavior;
- To damage or deface any monument, wall, fence, shelter, home, lawn, tree, shrub, flower, plant, grass or any other property of the City;
- To drive any type of motorized vehicle on park grounds;
- To ride a bike or horse on grass or lawn, or to enter or leave park on grounds anywhere other than designated entrances/exits;
- To stand or lie down on benches, or occupy more than one seating position;
- To climb walls, buildings, trees and fences;
- To sell or offer to sell anything, except in the case of authorized restaurants;
- To park anywhere other than places reserved for this purpose;
- To lock bikes anywhere other than places reserved for this purpose;